ChatGPT Explained for Development Practitioners

Since its release in November 2022, the new language-processing tool ChatGPT has created a buzz in the world of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and beyond. ChatGPT can be used to analyze and understand text-based data, such as reports, surveys, and social media posts, and help to identify trends, sentiment, and key issues. As with any machine learning model, ChatGPT is susceptible to bias that may exist in the data it is trained on; other key concerns include data privacy and security, particularly when working with vulnerable populations or in conflict-affected areas. This session covered: \- What a language model is and how ChatGPT works. \- The applications of ChatGPT, such as question answering, chatbot development, and language translation. \- The capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT, and how it compares to other language-processing models. \- How to interact with ChatGPT and how to formulate questions to get the best responses. \- The ethical considerations surrounding the use of ChatGPT, such as biases and privacy concerns.

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