Industry Facing the Challenge of the Energy and Climate Transition (French)

The Brussels Liaison Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in partnership with the United Nations Association (APNU) in Belgium, organized a webinar on industry facing the challenge of the energy and climate transition. The participants reaffirmed the importance of the role of industry in supporting the energy transition and tackling climate challenges in Belgium, in Europe and in developing countries. The webinar brought together a variety of stakeholders including advisors to the European Commission, policymakers, scientists, and industrial experts. The different contributions from speakers, as well as the exchanges with the audience, representing the private sector, civil society organizations, Belgian authorities, universities and various research centres, underlined the importance of collaboration and effective partnerships between institutions and countries in the fight against the climate crisis. These discussions also provided an opportunity to explore some of UNIDO’s concrete actions, like the technical assistance provided to develop mini-grids and the creation of Sustainable Energy Centres, as well as recent policy initiatives from the European Union, such as the Green Deal, in the elaboration of innovative solutions to face current energy and climate challenges. The webinar is in French.

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