Guide for smart and sustainable city leaders: Envisioning sustainable digital transformation

The digital revolution is supporting the transition of cities into smart and sustainable cities, as emerging technologies such IoT, artificial intelligence, blockchain and big data analytics, are rapidly disrupting every sector and have the potential to transform city operations if deployed, managed and governed appropriately. On the other hand, digital transformation in cities is not just about digitizing new records or automating processes using digital technologies, it also involves decommissioning legacy systems and migrating data to new systems, as well as culture change. It is about automating processes and interactions and delivering services virtually.  This report is intended for city decision-makers and strategists, whose decisions have a significant impact on the way their city functions, as well as on its future development trajectory and digital transformation. Accordingly, this high-level policy document helps identify practical steps based upon which urban decision-makers can envisage and build a smart sustainable city (SSC) through the process of digital transformation.

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