Shaping Public Policy through Behavioural Science

The UN Secretary-General has expressed that: “Behavioural science is a critical tool for the UN to progress on its mandate. It can contribute to combating poverty, improving public health and safety, promoting gender equality, strengthening peacebuilding and all the SDGs. UN Entities are strongly encouraged to invest in behavioural science and work in a connected and collaborative interagency community to realise its tremendous potential for impact.” Accordingly, UNSSC's third thought leadership series event was geared towards all who are interested in understanding the use of social behaviour insights as a tool to design and implement public policy. Across the globe forward thinking institutions are leveraging behavioural science to drive progress towards climate change, good health and wellbeing poverty alleviation and more. Attendees gained practical insights on 1\. How behavioural science contributes to the design and implementation of public policy 2\. Key areas in which behavioural science is being applied today 3\. Current behavioural science trends and issues 4\. The lessons that should guide the future use of behavioural science in public policy 5\. Interesting behavioural science use cases in United Nations system organizations The role that the UN Behavioural Science Group in the UN Innovation Network Do not be left behind secure your place today!

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